I've decided to start a garden blog/journal. Last year I kept saying I was going to, and of course I didn't. This year I've decided to do my garden from seeds, starting them indoors and transplanting after the middle of May, or whenever we get our last frost advisory. I figure 6-8 weeks of being inside should make for nice strong healthy plants.
The seeds I have this year are:
broccoli (organic)
blue lake green beans (organic)
mesculin mix lettuce (organic)
Zucchini - dark green (organic)
Cucumbers, double yield (organic)
Watermelon Jubilee varity (organic)
Peppers, California wonder, red & green mix (organic)
Tomatoes, Beefsteak (organic)
Tomatoes, Cherokee Purple (organic)
Winter Squash, spaghetti
Winter Squash, butternut
Brussels Sprouts (Long Island)
Parsley, double curled (organic)
Chives, Garlic (organic)
Dill Mammoth (organic)
Sunflower, Mammoth (organic)
Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue
Marigold, happy days mix, edging, 10" ht.
Marigold, Burpee's best mix, 12" ht.
Seeds from 2009 season
Cantelope from a Rocky Ford melon, this was a tasty melon I hope its babies are yummy too
Wax Beans (these did really well last year, heavy harvest around July, continued until Sept, averaged 8 beans per plant per day!)
Butternut squash, again did very well, 8 squash per plant average yield.
carrots (didn't do too well, didn't thin enough when they were small)
rosemary (did well but needed to get into ground a LOT earlier than I did)
oregano (again did well but needed to be planted earlier in the season)
Bibb lettuce (individual heads, didn't thin properly and they bolted too fast)
Radish (did well but didn't thin enough)
Parsley extra curled dwarf - did very well but I didn't thin. It stayed green thru winter, heck there's still some green out there today - I think its regrowing itself since I didn't rip it out in fall.
Cherry Tomato, red or gold, not sure
basil, round & lemon varieties
broccoli says its a cool crop, usually a spring or fall harvest, so can I plant it early, harvest then replant for a bumper crop? I think so but must find out!
Danielle might have morning glory seeds from her yard, ask if she does!
I need to figure out the mature size of these plants so I can get planning on a planting guide. I plan on expanding my garden into my front yard this year, we have problem areas that I think zucchini and other squashes will do really well in. I also plan on planting a lot of easy spreading herbs in the front for culinary use as well as decorative use. Plus they make the yard smell good and are very hearty.
The marigolds will be planted in with the veggies to act as a natural pesticide, especially around the tomatoes. At the end of the season last year we were invaded by tomato hornworms. ew. they are green and have a red horn on the end of their nose. They cocoon under the tomato plants and then lay their young so the young eat the plants. Not good!! Apparently marigolds are a natural repelant of these nasty guys. Lets hope it works!
The sunflowers will become a living border between a messy neighbors house and ours. They have junk cars in their yard and the 12 foot giant blooms should do a nice job of blocking our view to their junk yard, err I mean front yard.
The morning glories will go in the front of the house as it faces east & gets the AM sunshine. I might plant some against the back fence too as it gets am sun. I love the bright faces of morning glories!
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